Dear customers, our systems have been upgraded, please reset your password with your email, and we have 20% off for all goods in June! Using promotion code: SYSUPDATE Dear customers, our systems have been upgraded, please reset your password with your email, and we have 20% off for all goods in June! Using promotion code: SYSUPDATE


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Duck Heart 600g Raw Human Grade Frozen

$9.00 AUD
세금포함료 결제 시 배송비 를 계산

Rich in minerals that support the immune system and are packed with iron. These snacks are perfect to treat those cats or dogs that may have food sensitivities or are allergic to beef or chicken.

Packed whole flat tub for easy and quick thawing 600g

How to Thaw
Leave in refrigerator overnight, feed next day. Can be fed as a frozen treat.

Duck Heart 1kg Raw Human Grade Frozen-Peti

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